
Blogs for Agile Teams using VSTS

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Help maintain the following list by sending us an email containing details of any other blogs you know about that might interest VSTS Agile teams. Please include the title, author, url and a short review (less than 100 words).

Title Description
Rob Caron
Microsoft Staffer
Rob's blog is essential reading for anyone wanting to stay abreast of information about VSTS.
Will Stott
Mickey Gousset
VSTS Expert, Author
Mickey provides an independent view of VSTS and is one of the prime movers behind 'Team System Rocks'. You can find a very extensive list of VSTS bloggers on http://teamsystemrocks.blogspot.com
Will Stott
James Newkirk
Microsoft Staffer, Author
Information about Test-driven Development, NUnit as well as insightful commentary about what makes software development tick.
Will Stott
Doug Seven
Microsoft Staffer
Doug is a supporter of Agile at Microsoft and is heavily involved with Microsoft Community work as well as being a regular conference speaker. Read what he says about our book in his 7/3/07 blog posting
Will Stott
Jeff Beehler
Microsoft Staffer
Provides lots of information about testing with VTST. March 2007 contains a particularly useful list of blog articles about testing.
Will Stott